Entertainment & Arts
Circus acts featuring only willing human performers, TV shows and films using CGI animals, and interactive, virtual reality aquariums are captivating audiences. Meanwhile, archaic, cruel animal acts are on the decline. Animal-free forms of entertainment teach audience members about conservation—something places that imprison and enslave animals, such as SeaWorld, only pretend to do. Zoos, pseudo-sanctuaries, marine parks, traveling zoos, roadside zoos, and other similar attractions imprison animals who long to be free. Animals don’t like to put on shows—they’re used and abused for the sake of human entertainment. To force bears, elephants, tigers, and others in circuses to perform confusing and physically demanding tricks, trainers use bullhooks, whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, and other painful tools of the trade. Animals aren’t actors, spectacles to imprison and gawk at, or circus clowns. Many of them are even forced to perform until the day they die. The Resilience...